Keep this section to two paragraphs maximum (3-5 sentences per paragraph for scannability)
Answer: how long have you been in business, what emotional benefit do you get from your job, what do you love most about your clients?
Here’s where you get to tell your story! Include details that are specific to your job/industry or what you feel like would resonate with your reader. Pretend you were getting coffee with whoever is reading. How would you introduce yourself in an authentic way to find some common ground while weaving your story throughout.
Description of how it benefits your client + plays out in your work
Description of how it benefits your client + plays out in your work
Description of how it benefits your client + plays out in your work
Write a short 3 sentence paragraph about who this service is for and what it helps them accomplish. This is another good opportunity to position yourself as a solution to a problem. Go beyond the surface level to really resonate with your audience and why this service
may be helpful for them.
Write a short 3 sentence paragraph about who this service is for and what it helps them accomplish. This is another good opportunity to position yourself as a solution to a problem. Go beyond the surface level to really resonate with your audience and why this service
may be helpful for them.
Write a short 3 sentence paragraph about who this service is for and what it helps them accomplish. This is another good opportunity to position yourself as a solution to a problem. Go beyond the surface level to really resonate with your audience and why this service
may be helpful for them.
Write a short 3 sentence paragraph about who this service is for and what it helps them accomplish. This is another good opportunity to position yourself as a solution to a problem. Go beyond the surface level to really resonate with your audience and why this service
may be helpful for them.
Hair Extension
Sesame snaps lemon drops tart jelly dessert chocolate bar topping pie danish. Tiramisu gummi bears dragée muffin fruitcake cheesecake topping. Cotton candy croissant sugar plum halvah chupa chups jelly sesame snaps dragée halvah.
Bang trim + highlight
Sesame snaps lemon drops tart jelly dessert chocolate bar topping pie danish. Tiramisu gummi bears dragée muffin fruitcake cheesecake topping. Cotton candy croissant sugar plum halvah chupa chups jelly sesame snaps dragée halvah.
Hair Extension
Sesame snaps lemon drops tart jelly dessert chocolate bar topping pie danish. Tiramisu gummi bears dragée muffin fruitcake cheesecake topping. Cotton candy croissant sugar plum halvah chupa chups jelly sesame snaps dragée halvah.